Who is The Banker of Your Life?

Over 100 Clients Have Become Their Own Bankers

Listen as NFL Veteran J Lemens breaks down why he is such a big fan of the Infinite Banking Concept.



I’ve known and worked with Jake professionally in various business ventures for over 25 years including having him help me with my wealth planning. Jake is always accessible, ready and willing to answer questions, and open to comparing his ideas side-by-side with other ideas I bring to him....he’s very “progressive” in that sense.

I’m very happy to know that if something awful happened to me, my wife would not only be taken care of, but she would know the person coordinating her financial affairs, instead of having to deal with an impersonal “company” I’m a risk taker at heart, so, Jake’s strategies have balanced out my eager, aggressive, risk prone tendencies, and it is allowing me to take risk… while also allowing my wife to sleep better at night!

Infinite Banking Dave Ness

Dave Ness

Denver Realtor, Thrive Real Estate

Jake and I have worked together on my financial plan for over 20 years. I continue to work with him because he has been consistent in providing great ideas and tools for my wealth development. Jake promotes what he believes in and what he has already implemented himself.

I like that his strategies encourage you to take control of your finances. Now that I’ve created “my own bank”, I no longer need to earn pennies on the dollar by keeping my money in low-yield, taxable savings instruments. In addition, I like not having to borrow money from the banks who charge you exorbitant amounts of interest now that I can borrow that money from myself and pay myself the interest that I would otherwise be paying the bank!

Infinite Banking Joe Lanman

Joe Lanman

Lead Campus Pastor (Charlotte, NC)

I’ve worked with Jake and his financial coaching/suggestions for over 15 years. The reason why I chose and continue to work with him is because he definitely listens more than he talks. He takes the time to get the “whole picture” of a person’s current life and future goals, and then customizes a specific plan.

We’ve utilized the strategies Jake specializes in from a very young age, and our family has benefited in several ways. For example, we’ve been able to open 16 different corporations, and by having liquid cash, we NEVER had to go to a bank for a business loan. Additionally, the cash was always there as a “rainy day” fund, so when the recession hit, we had enough cash to cover about 3 years of basic living expenses. This strategy has provided a “PEACE OF MIND” that’s hard to put into words. Suffice it to say, I never once felt worried/anxious during the Great Recession, and that was the greatest blessing.

Vernon LaVia

President, Defibrillators, Inc, Insurance Sales, TEDx Talk,

Author, Start-up Biz Consulting

I continue to work with Jake because I know he has my best interests at heart. I’ve known him for more than 30 years and I’d consider him to be my trusted advisor. He takes the time to ask me about my goals and then he recommends the best solutions to meet those goals. I appreciate his commitment to look out for my family and always do what’s in our best interest.

I like how he challenges me to think long term about what’s best for my family. I like his holistic approach to looking at the big picture including not only my financial goals but my health goals as well. He’s a professional in every sense of the word, with exceptional follow-up. I would not hesitate to recommend him to any of my friends.

Infinite Banking Steve Reiner

Steve Reiner

Partner, Southwestern Coaching,  (Longmont, CO)

Jake has helped me with my wealth plan for over 20 years. I totally trust him as he is a person of high character. I also know first-hand that Jake has been successful in many endeavors so I trust his competence and wisdom as well. I trust Jake more today than I did a decade ago, and I’ve seen him continue to live out the principals he teaches.

As I did my own homework on what Jake teaches, I learned that many of the top executives and CEOs in the country used the same concepts. The liquidity of my cash NOW for emergencies, surprise expenses, and opportunities coupled with the long-term benefits of wealth creation are an amazingly unique combination that I’ve been able to create!

I’ve continued to work with Jake for more than 20 years because he thinks creatively about wealth building.  He listens and seeks to build a relationship, then fits a plan to your needs.  I find that level of care and responsiveness rare.

I like his unique strategies because they are a way to build lasting wealth and provide for future generations.  Rather than being an investment alone, it’s a breeze at your back financially, whatever other investments you may do.

Infinite Banking Chris Bowers

Chris Bowers

College Football Coach,  (Lewisburg, PA)

Infinite Banking Nathan Foy

Nathan Foy

Founder & CEO, Fortis Riders,

Secure Global Chauffeured Transportation

I have worked with the Jake to help me create true wealth for over 25 years. The reason I chose to work with Jake is because foremost I trust him. I believe that he has the best interests of my family in mind as he has a long-term strategy for the clients he works with.

I like his strategies because I believe it allows me maximum freedom to live my life with my money.  Traditional plans are subject to the whims of the stock market.  Most of the money managers in the United States tell their clients that the market has always gone up and that they need to diversify and spread their risk.  I believe this philosophy has two flaws and a third aspect that is problematic.  

The same thing was preached about real estate always going up.  There is no macro-economic law showing that markets must inherently always rise.  They may fall.  The second problem I have with the stock market is the market may be in a multi-year slump during the period in which one wants to retire.  This is a huge problem for a retiree if his nest egg is suddenly one half of what he needs to retire.  

The problematic piece lies in the fact that too much of the average person’s wealth is tied up in government regulated plans such as IRA's and 401K's.  These plans have retirement tax benefits but tie up your money for years. Your income is taxed at an onerous level while it is earned and then handcuffed for almost the duration of one's life.  Jake’s strategies allow one to enjoy good, tax-advantaged returns while protecting one’s family.  My favorite part is that the money is available throughout your working career!  It is a very powerful tool for building and maintaining wealth.

Infinite Banking David Simmons

David Simmons

Founder and CEO, RPM Concordia

Property Management Services for Residential Real Estate Investors.


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